| 1. | Fuzzy associative memory pattern classifier , fampc 传统的参数活动轮廓模型 |
| 2. | A review of studies on the neural mechanisms of associative memory 关联记忆的神经机制研究述评 |
| 3. | Recurrent associative memory network 反馈型自联想记忆神经网络 |
| 4. | Bit - parallel associative memory 位并行相联存储器 |
| 5. | Associative memory and segmentation in the network composed of spiking neurons 脉动型神经元网络的联想记忆与分割 |
| 6. | Bit - serial associative memory 位串行相连存储器 |
| 7. | Decision - making performance of multiple weighted bidirectional associative memory 多重加权双向联想记忆模型及决策性能研究 |
| 8. | Influences of perturbations of training pattern pairs on max - product fuzzy associative memory 乘积型模糊联想记忆网络的影响 |
| 9. | Recognition of heart rate variability signal using fuzzy associative memory pattern classifier 来识别排序相邻与不相邻情况的心率变异性 |
| 10. | Continuous distractor paradigm ; contextual - retrieval hypothesis ; associative memory ; absolute memory 连续分心实验范式关联提取假说联想记忆绝对记忆 |